-----Original Message----- From: K C Bailey To: Paul Bang ; donndesign Sent: Mon, Aug 18, 2014 9:39 am Subject: Letter re: 6 Charlie's Lane Dear Council Members: I urge you to listen to the neighbors and citizens of Shelter Island about the proposed over-sized house on 5 Charlie's Lane. While the proposal may seem good on paper, trading aquifer and wetlands protections for square footage above and beyond what is sustainable on such a small piece of property on an environmentally sensitive site, the reality is something of a different story. The dangers to surrounding folks from water contamination, large water trucks attempting access on a very small street, and potential septic issues stemming from excessive bathrooms are extremely real. Clearly there needs to be more discussion. Decision like these will chart a course for the future of Shelter Island. Will we be wise or end up another drought ridden town like so many these days? And to paraphrase the philosopher Immanuel Kant, if we all did the same as would is being proposed for 6 Charlie's Lane what would become of our town? Best, K C Bailey